COVID-19 and the Spread of Business Automation
The seismic shift the coronavirus pandemic has had on day-to-day life is unprecedented. It’s hard to believe how a microscopic agent has the power to disrupt the market, the economy and supply/demand chains on a global scale—but it has.
The 1918 Spanish flu pandemic is the only one of comparable scale. However, a big difference between today’s pandemic and the one in 1918 is technology. Today, we have the luxury of using it in ways our ancestors over 100 years ago did not have.
Essentially, we can say that ‘viruses are the mother of invention’. The shock to the supply chain has accelerated a technological revolution bubbling underneath the surface for many years: Automation.
This virus has created an opportunity to re-invent the way products and services are delivered. For example, the food production industry has not performed well during the pandemic. With its workers in close proximity to each other, the food supply industry has exhibited a high rate of COVID-19 infections.
There is a conundrum between shielding workers from illness—and getting back to business. Automated technology, robotics and its components may solve that dilemma.
Circular connectors play a critical role in automation, helping to facilitate production and delivery—keeping manufacturing disruption to a minimum. See a brief overview of connectors in the food and beverage industry
The Best Connectors for Automation:
There are many varieties of connectors available on the market, with endless configurations and designs. However, the types of connector systems most ideal for automation are:
M12 Power Connectors – their ability to handle wide temperature extremes and the capability of carrying 630 Volts at 16 Amps, these compact connectors solve space requirement issues within the automation industry. Plus, their IP67/IP69K rating along with high-power transmission performance make it an overall cost-effective solution.
M8 & M12 Signal Connectors and Cordsets – Ideal for automation in manufacturing, these IP67 rated signal connectors and cordsets are suitable for IIoT and smart machine applications. They are a very cost- effective and reliable connectivity solution for many industrial automation signal-level applications.
M23 Product Family –
- Signal – with many pin-out configurations, locking and housing styles, the M23 Signal has an option for a variety of automation applications, with a signal transmission up to 300 Volts and 20 Amps.
- Power – these diverse connectors provide many pin-out configurations, locking and housing styles, making them a versatile option for a variety of automation applications. Power transmission goes up to 600 Volts and 28 Amps.
- Hybrid – these compact all-in-one solutions have all the features of the M23 Power connector, but with a hybrid insert for transmission of power, signal and industrial Ethernet (IE).
These connectors are easily assembled, provide a reliable connection and are IP67 and IP69K rated, RoHS environmentally compliant. Plus, they’re EMI ready and vibration proof—ensuring smooth equipment operation—one less thing to worry about during these uncertain times.

View a complete portfolio of circular connectors here, or visit our website for more information.
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